Decompression Therapy
Decompression Therapy
Decompression therapy is a non-surgical procedure that effectively treats disabling low back, neck, radiating leg and arm pain, and headaches. Decompression therapy effectively relieves the pain associated with disc herniation, degenerative discs, posterior facet, and other spinal related syndromes, by reducing the pressure on spinal discs and facet joints through unloading created by distraction and positioning.
Decompression therapy effectively enhances the healing process and often renders quick, effective and amazing pain relief that enables most patients to return to a more active lifestyle. Research to develop this procedure was conducted by prominent physicians, engineers, and technicians at major teaching hospitals.
Conditions Associated with Decompression Therapy
Herniated Disc
Herniated discs may occur for a variety of reasons. A damaged disc may be the result of poor posture or due to the patient being overweight which places additional stress on the spinal column. Discs may also become herniated due to a sports or other traumatic injury.
Sciatica is understood as a compression of the sciatic nerve. This compression can occur as the sciatic nerve leaves the spinal column and travels down to the legs and there are many possible causes of sciatica that vary in their severity. Conditions such as subluxations, herniated or bulging discs, piriformis syndrome, tumors and pregnancy can all cause pressure on this nerve, which then causes pain and discomfort.
Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain has been attributed to many different things, but experts tend to agree that a sedentary lifestyle, combined with the growing obesity problem, has definitely contributed to the increasing number of people experiencing lower back pain. Posture is also a significant cause of lower back pain. Sitting at laptops and computers for hours on end as well as sitting too long while driving and when watching television are all associated with this type of discomfort.
Neck Pain
In many instances, the exact cause of neck pain may never be known, but some of the most common causes believed to be behind the majority of cases include:
Sleeping in an awkward position
Bad posture
Trapped nerve
An injury, such as from a vehicle collision or fall
Auto or Work-related Injuries
Neck and back compression and damage is among the most common type of injury sustained during automobile accidents and repetitive work-related injuries. Decompression therapy helps reverse the compression-related nerve damage caused by repetitive motion or acute trauma.
Headaches & Migraines
Research has shown that spinal manipulation, which is the primary treatment provided by chiropractors, can be a highly effective treatment for tension headaches and those that either originate in or are affected by the neck.