Conditions Treated
Conditions Treated
Poor spine health has the potential to cause problems that may not seem directly related to the spinal column. If you are experiencing recurring headaches, back pain, digestion issues, or other chronic conditions, you may be an ideal candidate for chiropractic care. Many patients who have had these issues for years have not yet considered visiting a chiropractor to review their case and we urge these patients to reconsider, even if you don’t work with us specifically. With all the messages that your brain sends through the spinal cord, it should not be a surprise that chiropractic care can offer benefits to several aspects of your life. Below you’ll find some common conditions chiropractic care can help manage if not completely cure.
Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain is an exceptionally common complaint and it is estimated that 80% of Americans will suffer from it at some point during their lifetime. Lower back pain is also a leading cause of absence from work due to ill health, even though more than half of all cases are believed to be a direct result of the patient doing a job that involves continual sitting.
In many cases, the back pain is either not severe enough for the patient to seek professional intervention or it resolves itself within a few days. However, there is a percentage of individuals who suffer from chronic, recurrent back pain and are reliant on pain medication to help keep them comfortable from day-to-day.
Fortunately, there is no longer any need to suffer from ongoing lower back pain. Chiropractic care from a trained and experienced professionals can help relieve your discomfort and enable you to work, sleep and enjoy life without worrying about back pain.
Neck Pain
Neck pain is a relatively common ailment, of which most of us will experience at least once in our lifetime. In most cases, neck pain will improve and disappear on its own, but if you frequently suffer from this problem, or find that conventional ways of relieving your pain are not working, you may want to consider chiropractic care.
Headaches & Migraines
A headache is a very generalized term given to pain that is felt in the head or sometimes the neck. There are many different types of pain associated with headaches ranging from acute localized discomfort to a more generalized ache. Some headaches may appear suddenly and only last for a short period of time while others may build gradually and last for several hours.
Sciatica is a condition that affects many people today. It typically manifests as pain in the lower back or buttocks that radiates down to the legs or feet. This pain can be felt in one or both legs and is often difficult to describe. Patients have also found that the pain can change in frequency or intensity ranging from mild to severe and can be debilitating at times. Patients have reported various sensations related to sciatica pain including pins and needles while at other times it may be described as dull, or even like electric shocks.
The discomfort that sciatica patients experience often causes them to be willing to try anything to alleviate the condition. Understanding a few things about sciatica may help you decide what is best for you.
Scoliosis is a deformity of the spine resulting in abnormal curvature that can cause limited mobility, physical pain and injuries throughout life if not managed properly. It is the most common spinal deformity in young children and accounts for the largest share of all musculoskeletal deformity health care visits. Proper management of scoliosis can help individuals move through life more easily and pain free.
Herniated Disc
Intervertebral discs are found all throughout the spinal column except for the C1 and C2 vertebrae (the Axis and Atlas). These discs act to cushion the vertebrae from each other as well as the impacts that are felt throughout the spinal column. While many people will describe painful back issues as a “slipped disc,” this isn’t really the case as the intervertebral discs don’t actually slide out of place. What many people experience is called a bulge. This bulging disc is also called a herniated disc.
Foot Pain & Orthotics
Many people live with consistent and regular foot pain. While others may have pain that occurs only when they are engaged in certain activities. While orthotics may not be the right answer for everyone to help with this pain, it’s a good idea to consult with a professional to decide if orthotics are a good option for you.
For many it is tempting to try to self diagnose and purchase shoe inserts without consulting with a medical professional first, but the results are often minimal or ineffective. However, this doesn’t mean that you should be unprepared for your visit which is why we’ve compiled some helpful information to get you up to speed on the world of orthotics.
Carpal Tunnel
As the professional community ages, the diagnoses of carpal tunnel syndrome continue to rise. Carpal tunnel syndrome is commonly associated with the repetitive movement related to typing on a keyboard with improper hand positioning. Carpal tunnel syndrome creates a burning, numbness, or tingling sensation in the hands or wrists and can occur on one or both sides.
Carpal tunnel release and surgeries associated with relieving the pain associated with carpal tunnel are increasing every year. Unfortunately, the success of these surgeries is only seen in about half of the population. If you have been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome and are currently considering your options for pain relief, one you should definitely consider is chiropractic care.
Fibromyalgia diagnoses have been increasing as awareness has risen. Many individuals now feel that they can seek help from the medical field for their issues, although treatments are generally more difficult to understand. Many people who have fibromyalgia also complain about the lack of effectiveness that many treatment options offer. However, chiropractic care has become an increasingly common and successful treatment option for patients with the disease.
As people age, it is a common often belief that the pain and discomfort associated with our joints is a normal occurrence that we are forced to live with. While our joints can experience levels of degradation as we age, the pain and reduced mobility that is often associated with arthritis doesn’t have to be something that we suffer through. Instead, let's review some of the facts around chiropractic care and how it can be beneficial in treating the pain associated with arthritis.
Ear Infections
If you have children of any age, it is likely that you have had an intimate experience with ear infections at some point in your life. Five out of six children will have experienced at least one ear infection before they are three years old as younger children are far more prone to ear infections. Luckily, as they age, they may “grow out” of them. Researchers believe that younger children are more susceptible to ear infections because their eustachian tubes are shorter and angled which make them more prone to bacteria that can cause an ear infection.
While ear infections are the most common in children, they are an ailment that affects many of us throughout our lives. Ear infections are not only particularly painful and bothersome due to the sensitive nature of our ears, but can also threaten to leave lasting damage if they aren’t adequately treated. Many people jump automatically to medications to correct the issue. However, some of the complications associated with medications, especially for children can be a cause for hesitation. If you are considering alternative options, chiropractic care is worth looking into.
Weight Loss Support
Many people today struggle to maintain their waistline. There have been a significant number of studies that correlate our weight, or rather, excess weight, to shortened lifespans, reduced quality of life and an increase in various diseases. People are often focused on the newest fad diet or exercise routine to help them reduce their body fat percentages and maintain weight loss, but a visit with your chiropractor will add another layer to your ability to fight the battle of your expanding midline.
Work-related Injuries
Every profession today has some level of risk for employees to receive an injury at work. Office professionals are at an increased risk for the neck, back or carpal tunnel injuries. Employees that work in physically demanding positions can experience an injury due to the physical requirements or repetitive motions that they conduct throughout the day. No matter what profession you are in, injuries that are related to work are stressful and unfortunately, leave employees with the decision to continue working through their pain or take the time off to allow for the proper treatment and healing.
Auto Accident Injuries
With more vehicles on the road than ever before, automobile accidents have unfortunately become a common occurrence. Even the most confident and experienced driver can make mistakes that sometimes have catastrophic results. Estimates suggest that there are around 2.35 million auto-injuries in the United States every year – more than 6,000 every single day – and while some injuries may be minor, others can have debilitating and sometimes permanent consequences.
Athletic Recovery
Whether you are a professional athlete, or just enjoy taking part in your spare time, injuries are very much a common occurrence. Pulls, sprains, and strains occur regularly, and while many heal quickly without the need for professional intervention, other injuries may take weeks or even months away from your sport while you heal.
Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to increase the rate at which your injury will heal and reduce any pain or side effects that you experience during the process. In addition to hot/cold therapies, sports massage, and oral pain medications, you should consider making an appointment for a consultation with a chiropractor.
Preventative Care for Active Lifestyles
If you are a person who enjoys an active lifestyle, the last thing that you want is to be sidelined by an injury or pain. While chiropractic care is often seen as a therapy that can help to heal an athlete, it can also be used to help make you more resilient and improve your overall athletic abilities.
While people who lead active lifestyles are typically aware of the overall benefits of their increased movement, there are also some drawbacks. Some injuries occur from overuse of joints or the increased impact that we impose on our joints from high impact activities like running, skiing, or hiking which all can have effects on our necks and backs. Chiropractic care can not only help to reduce the pain we feel, but a properly aligned back can also reduce the potential for future injuries.

Schedule an appointment today to begin your journey to optimal wellness.